Wednesday, March 21, 2018

My Trip to Kid's Life Orphanage

Today, I cames to de Kid's Life Orphanage, located at the Oasis of Life sim.  I comes here often, since it's SOOOOOS beyootiful, and friendly to boot.

I mean, look!  Any place that greets you at the door...erm...gate...erm...cave?  with a kittycat...can't be dat bad!

I'm not's supposed to tells, but, dere's a secret garden!  It's sooo purty, I had to come here first!

I learned to plant yesterday, and I got baskets ob strawberries today.  I even gots one BIG one!  So's I planted again, more berries...I hopes I gets more big bushels!

Dis is me kneeling, pushing de little seeds into de mounds.  Now's I impatientlike, waitings for de plats to grow!!!

I climbded de wall dat dey habs on de slide, it's tall!  Hopes I don't falls down!

I bets you can't see's me, I's hiding!

Look Ma! No hands!

Welbs, I know I has no mom...but it's a good reason to comes here...dey's habs good people to watch ober you, and to introduces you, so you cans spends time, and sees ifins you both wills work good together! 

I went to play on the rocky fishing thing...I trieds to figure out how to climb on...somehows, I gots up on his nose.

I got into the seat but.....

He started to rock, and I slid off...I slid back, and just caught the tail!  Wow...what an adbenture! 

I wents up into one of the treehouses, Oh, my, toys!  I rodes on de rocking horse, SO pretty!

I walked out to the edge...OOpsies, dey need to make a block, so de babies don't climb out.  I's a big girl, so i just stood on de edge.  Isn't dat pretty, do?  Lookings out ober de water...sooo peaceful!

Deys eben habs bathrooms...but funny.  in little buildings.  No boys and girls rooms, do....guesses dats why de doors, so no peeksies!

Wow...deys gots a new kittycat!  He's soooo pretties!

Here's we are.  He's told me his name was Luke.  He's a good listeners...ans he tolds me all ob Ollies and Melodys and Aidriannahs secrets!!! tings deys do!

We eben played Pictionary.  Giggles...shoulda seen what Mr. Daniel drew before dis picture, tryings to show a seal....arph arph arph!  But...dat picture soooo much better. 

It was fun, sitting by the ocean, on de beach, and just relaxing and habbings fun...eben if Melody kept making marshmallow-smelling fairties!

I cames up, and fixed some food to eat, including a baked potato...well, 2.  don't tell no ones...i gots a little cooking happy!  Dey are so good here, do, feeding the kids...look ats dat pizza, you can tell it was made with love!

So, comes by, and habs fun!  And if you goes rights outside (by where you land when visiting), I's has a store dere!  You can get lots of clothes for TD baby, like the outfit I's wearing right now!  Dis is Fancy Pants in's a cute sweater and shorts set, and eben has cute sneakers!  Come join de group, an can's get one just like dis, but in a soft green, SOOOO perfectlike for Easter and spring!  Ans only $1L.  How's could you not!!!

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